Tuesday, June 9, 2015


            National Best Friend Day

Normally a great day to celebrate friendships that are usually so close you dare call them family. Your best friend is someone who will stand by you through thick and thin. You can find memes all over the internet about "a friend will always be there to bail you out but a best friend will be there with you saying that was fun" or something along those lines.
But what about those of us who can't seem to connect with a "best friend" I've had several "best friends in my lifetime, and honestly I don't really talk to any of them anymore. There are the few that just drifted away with life, just from being in different stages. There are the few that moved, either another city or another state which makes it hard to keep connections. Then there are those that you just can't connect with no matter how much you may want to. So today, in honor of best friend day I will remember the one that I miss the most. The one that was there for me through all the stupid decisions I made. And even when he really didn't want to support me in one very important one, he did it anyway. He did the only thing he knew to do that would truly support my decision and support me.